One Bread – One Body

One Bread/One Body gathers together to strengthen each other through song, prayer, study of Sunday Mass Scripture readings and through outreach.

Lay Carmelites

The Lay Carmelite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (historically known as the Third Order) is a community of lay persons dedicated to a life of daily prayer, self denial, good works, mutual concern for others, and a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

AV Ministry

AV Ministry volunteers run the audio visual needs for our Parish during Mass, Holy Days and special Liturgy or Prayer activities in our Church.

St Anne’s Ministry of Moms

The St. Anne’s Ministry of Moms welcomes all mothers of Annunciation to join us in faith and fellowship. Our monthly meetings provide a fun, supportive atmosphere to learn new ways to share our faith with our children.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic lay organization with over 2 million members. The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men, building camaraderie and working together to serve others.

Council of Catholic Women

Our Council is comprised of a network of 5 Circles which are the basis of ACCW and individually meet monthly from September through May.

Habitat for Humanity

Sign-up for our next project in Apopka. Habitat for Humanity is an international organization that builds homes for those in need. No experience is necessary but volunteers must be 16 years of age.

Bereavement Ministry

Our goal is to comfort those who grieve and mourn by assisting families with preparations for the funeral liturgy.

Society of Saint Vincent DePaul

We assist people spiritually, financially, and provide guidance that is intended to set them on a path of recovery and independence.