Liturgical – Ushers

Ushers create a welcoming, friendly, and well-ordered environment at Mass. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation, and sets the tone for the liturgy.

Liturgical – Sacristans

To assist in the preparation and coordination of Mass/Liturgy – Daily Mass, Funeral Mass, Sunday Mass, Confirmation, First Communion and any other miscellaneous liturgies.

Liturgical – Readers

A Reader is a member of the Church community who helps make God’s presence known to the community through proclaiming God’s Word at liturgical celebrations.


Married couples/parishioners who have been married for over five years meet with an engaged couple preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Liturgical – Altar Server

An Altar Server assists the priest during the Mass and at other religious ceremonies so that it can be celebrated with grace and reverence.

Friday Morning Scripture

To study the Sunday Scripture readings, to foster a love of God’s Word, and to better understand the Sunday Liturgy of the Word.

Book Store

We need adults volunteers 18 and over for cashier operation, customer assistance, and general store maintenance.

Music Ministry

If you have ever thought about joining the Music Ministry . . .now is the time! Share your talents with all of God’s people.

Faith Formation for Adults

Adult Confirmation: Catechists and sponsors help to prepare adults who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Catechists, sponsors, table leaders and hospitality ministers assist in bringing non-Catholic adults – unbaptized and baptized – into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.