Welcome to Our Parish!

Our Mission
Annunciation Hearts are burning
to know, love and serve God
by loving and serving others.

All are welcome!

Becoming a People of Great Prayer

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am*, 12noon and 5:30pm**
*live-streamed  **ASL Interpreted for the deaf

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday – Friday at 7am and 12:15pm.
Saturday at 8am.

Join us for our live-stream Sunday Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday – Friday from 8am to 7pm in the Chapel of the Angels. (closes during the 12:15pm Mass)

Sacrament of Reconciliation

 Click Here for the Current Schedule 

Immaculate Conception – December 9th

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses at 7am, 12:15pm and 7pm. Holy Day of Obligation. There is no Vigil Mass

Spiritual Enrichment

Opportunities to Know, Love and Serve the Lord:

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