SVDP-logoAnnunciation Conference

The familiar and encouraging words of our Lord in St. Matthew’s Gospel…”For I was hungry and you gave me food,  I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” (Mt 25: 35-36) are at the heart of what we do as Vincentians.  With the generous support of our parishioners here at Annunciation Catholic Church and that of other community partners, we are able to help many who need material and spiritual support in our community.  These needs continue to increase as we see a decrease in the role of government and continuing economic hardship for many.

We are truly grateful for your contributions time and treasure.

In need of assistance?  Please contact our Society of St.Vincent dePaul  at 407-215-7669 or by email:


OUR CONFERENCE – We are part of a national and international organization of volunteers which served more than 30 million people worldwide in 150 countries last year.  Our membership consists of active, associate, and contributing members here at Annunciation.

OUR MISSION – Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by  offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering, in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

CHARITY AND JUSTICE – The Vincentian calling is to serve the needy and advocate for justice.  As in Jesus, fully embodying the love of God and bringing justice to the poor are inseparable realities.

Local Conference Outreach

  • Emergency Financial Assistance – to assist neighbors with unpredicted financial crisis needs.
  • Micro Loan Program – opportunity to secure a small bank loan to pay for a vehicle repair/replacement, medical expenses, home repair, predatory payday loan, etc.; client receives financial guidance, improved credit rating while repaying on a borrower-friendly loan provided by Fairwinds.
  • Remington Tutoring Center – providing after school tutoring in a local hotel where families who are displaced from permanent housing reside; provided summer program o educational enrichment; partnering with other non-profits to provide programming such as Crock pot cooking classes, guest speakers, small group support for single mothers; exploring the opportunity to provide the framework and tools to truly address poverty effectively—from identifying and removing barriers to assisting and empowering individuals and families to achieve their life goals, art workshops
  • Pathways to Care – providing a hot homemade breakfast for residents of several Saturdays a month.
  • Walk for the Poor – annual event to bring awareness of the poor’s needs to the community; 3K walk/run on campus, music, food, fun with a guest speaker;

District Council Outreach

Jail & Prison Ministry- providing support for newly released citizens who have been engaged with us 18 months before release; we provide housing at Fr. Ennes Village: employment assistance, emotional and resource support; recipient of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops initiative/grant to investigate the re-entry process, community support and barriers; leading the “ban the box” campaign that has been adopted by several cities in the central Florida area

Operates 3 Thrift Stores: provides free items to those in need such as clothing, furniture, etc ($80,000 of free merchandise given away last year); offers a place to find quality items for a reasonable price giving dignity to purchasing for yourself.  If you would like your donation picked up, please call SVDP through the toll free hot line number 1-888- 986-4483.


  • 770 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703; 407.886.0940 (next to St. Francis of Assisi)
  • 601 E. Highway 50, Clermont, FL 34711; 352.242.0357 

National Vehicle Donation Program
Cars are donated to someone in need locally or sold and the proceeds donated to the conference designated to benefit those they serve. Please call 1-800-322-8284

“Go to the poor and you will find God”
St. Vincent de Paul

HOW YOU CAN HELP –  You are welcome to attend our meetings and get involved in the active life of the ministry.  We typically meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month in the St. Gabriel Life Center at 7:00 PM

Click here for a copy of the the resource card information that we had put in the nutrient/compassion bags