Walk ~ Pray ~ Learn
St. Vincent DePaul’s Annual Friends of the Poor Walk
April 5, 2025
Annunciation Catholic Church, Altamonte Springs.

Friends of the Poor Walk
Join us as we raise funds for families and people in need from our parish and for those that come to our campus looking for help. Our St. Vincent DePaul Ministry meets those needs with emergency resources and with counseling and access to other community resourses for long term solutions. They live the Corporal Works of mercy every day.
We walk a 5k (3.1 miles) around the campus and track at Annunciation. You do not have to walk the entire course.
The Walk takes place during Lent this year. We will be emphasizing the corporal works of mercy. All journeys in the bible were opportunities to meet the Lord in prayer. We will gather together first for Mass at 8am in the Church. You can pray in groups as you walk or silently for all of those that suffer from lack of food, clean water, housing and healthcare needs.
Do you know the stories of the people that SVDP serves every day? This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the good works that are done by this ministry. You can learn more about how to get involved too. As you stop at each learning table, you will receive a sticker. Fill your card for a free entry into our fabulous raffle.
Help us reach our goal of 300 walkers! Register today and invite a friend to walk with you. We have raffle ticket give-aways for teams of 5 and 10 walkers. Start your team today!
Mass at 8am
Registration (light breakfast items) 8:45am to 9:15am
Introduction and Prayer 9:20am
Walk starts: 9:30am
Amazing Raffle Items
Coming soon…
Registration Fee
Registration is $25 per walker. Children 15 and under are Free.
Light breakfast, Goodie Bag and lunch Included! All proceeds benefit our local St. Vincent DePaul ministry and the people that they serve.
Shepherd’s Field at Annunciation Catholic Church
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
We are looking for Sponsors! Please contact: svdp@annunciationorlando.org for more information and great options to be a Friend of the Poor and support this great event!

All Saint’s Circle
Knights of Columbus