Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Thus says the LORD: Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!” One of the things most often in my heart and on my mind these days is listening, truly listening to what the Lord has to say in general or in a particular way to us and what he has to say directly and intimately to me. He is the Word made flesh, the Word among us, the One who said, “Let there be light”, and there was, and now he is “the Light of the World.” We should listen to him for he truly is God with us, God made visible, the Eucharistic presence of God, that we may truly “taste and see the goodness of the Lord,” to “listen to him” and “to do whatever he tells you” to do. What God has said, what God has to say, what God will say and what he will share with you is truly more important than what you have to say or others have to contribute. Take a moment to consider that. It is true. Yes, from time to time we all have something important to say, something we wish to add, something we need to contribute, or something we hope to share and for that, we need a receptive person, a listening ear or perhaps even an ear we can bend. However, what God has to say to you and to others is far more important than what you have to say or share for he is and has “the words of eternal life.” What the Lord has to share and what he has to say gives life, saves lives, redeems all creation. If you believe what you have to say is more important than what God has to say or you believe someone else is the way, the truth and the life you choose to resolve your problem or share your gratitude, then you will never hear the Word of God or be able to listen to what he has to say. You will only be able to hear yourself speak and think or listen only to someone else’s wisdom that cannot save or redeem you and that is truly a problem. Other than the noisy voice of the enemy, fear is perhaps the biggest contributing factor that drowns out and muffles God’s Word in our lives causing it to fall on deaf ears, stiff necks and hearts that have been hurt or hardened overtime. But Jesus says, “Take courage, do not be afraid.” Did you hear that?

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