Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
The Teacher says, “Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?” As we journey through life, we find ourselves heading in this direction or that direction, at times in such a hurried pace. Do you ever consider where are you going or ever ask, where am I headed? Do I have a moment to enjoy my surroundings? Did I fail to notice the beauty around me? Did I recognize Jesus walking beside me? Did I hear his voice? Did his words find a home in me? Did they burn within me enkindling a fire of hope, discernment, awe and wonder? Did Jesus make you stop to consider where are you really going or headed? Is Jesus ahead of you or behind you heading in the opposite direction? Our life at times can be like the Road to Emmaus. We presume to be great followers of Christ when in fact we are living at such a fast and furious pace that we spend most of our day driving, while talking, speaking, while walking, communicating, while cycling, sharing, while just going somewhere. Jesus is our companion when we are driving. Jesus is right beside us when we take a walk, a jog, a run. Jesus is even there when we cycle at great speeds. And even when we are headed in the wrong direction or simply confused and lost, Jesus is there trying to get our attention, patiently waiting for a quiet moment to get a word in to gently turn us around to follow him to a better place where we can share our thoughts, our longings, our desires, our life. Jesus is looking for room in our day, in our schedule, in our life to simply sit with us for a moment, for a break, perhaps even for an hour, away from the noise. Without distractions, without having to compete for our time, our attention, our love. To simply be still, be real, be loved. To share a story, a current event or a not so good experience. To exchange a word, to pray or say nothing at all and let heart speak to heart or tears speak to tears. Have you prepared a place in your heart to dine with Jesus? Is it a quiet space? Is there enough room? Is the table set? Are there flowers on the table? Did you light a candle? Is there music playing? Did you invite Jesus to your heart this season and give him the directions on how to get there?