Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Brothers and sisters: Do you not know that… you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price.” Most of us do not relish the thought of being owned, bought, or purchased. For being bought implies that we are not our own, but rather are in debt or in service to another, perhaps one who is more powerful, wealthier and more influential than us. Being purchased can imply servitude, slavery, ownership. It certainly is not a pleasant thought to consider belonging like a piece of personal property to another. For we most likely consider ourselves self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent and never having to ask for assistance from anyone. The fact is most of us would rather do things on our own. We avoid being dependent or relying on another or feeling in debt to another person. The truth is we are all dependent in one way or another. We often need guidance, knowledge, support or assistance. We all need help in one way or another, whether we ask for it or not, whether we accept it or not, whether we realize it or not, we could all use some help or assistance. We are interdependent on each other. We have all been bought in one way whether we admit it or not. Even if we say, we cannot be bought. Is that really true? Have we ever sold out or bought in? What if we were items on display in an antique or thrift shop, each with an individual price tag? How much would you be worth? What would your price tag say? “For Sale” – “On Sale Today” or “Not For Sale?” Or perhaps your price tag might say: “BOGO” – “Best Offer” – “Cheap” – “Free to a Good Home.” The fact is we are all priceless, for we have all been purchased at a great price. An amount that no sum of money could buy. No sum could recoup, recover or replace the cost that has been paid on our behalf. Our tags now read, “Paid in full” for our debt has been satisfied and paid in Christ. We were slaves to sin, creatures of darkness. We chose death rather than life, lies rather than truth, darkness rather than light. We were slaves chained, imprisoned and unable to enjoy the freedom of the Children of Light. Now you belong to God. For you have been purchased at a great price. For Jesus, “himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross… by his wounds you have been healed.”