The Fourth Sunday in Advent
“God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life.” Have you ever experienced the love of God? The love that is totally free, most unmerited and is beyond all telling? The love that is completely unconditional, undying in nature and meant to be eternal? The love that is wholly sacrificial, without a doubt life changing, is perpetually life giving and is always available to us? The love that words cannot describe, money cannot buy, people cannot fake, hearts cannot deny, the love that only God can give? You know the kind of love I am speaking about, don’t you? Holy love, that pure love, the love that heals as it wounds and makes you cry with joy. The kind of love that makes you hope for the impossible, makes you a better person, makes you say I love you even to those who cannot love you in return, even those that may hurt you again, even those who dislike you. You know that special love that fills your heart with so much warmth that you cannot hide it. The love that helps you see the inner beauty in all things. The love that helps you see the Christ child. The love that inspires you to see Jesus in all people. The love that challenges you to look beyond the exterior and look into the heart of another. You know that sacred love right? The love that binds marriages together, builds relationships up, strengthens family ties and forms friendships forever. The love that ends wars for good and brings about everlasting peace. That is the amazing love God has for us. His love cannot be contained, it is meant to be unleashed. It cannot be buried like a talent, it must be shared so it can multiply and grow. God’s love cannot be kept a secret or for oneself because it is always for the other, always for another. God’s love cannot be taken from you unless you say so. You cannot be separated from God’s love unless you will it so. But who would want to deny themselves of the most precious gift humanity has ever known or be separated from the one thing that fills us with great joy and eternal peace? God is love and so are we. So beloved child of God, let us love one another as God has loved us. For that is the best gift we can truly give the Christ Child and to one another.