Dear Friends in Christ,

As we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, we reflect upon the Wise Men presenting their gifts to Jesus.  Their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were recognitions of the special presence of the Christ child.  I always enjoy hearing this particular Gospel as it signifies the unification of people of various backgrounds and cultures brought together by Christ.  The Wise Men experienced a great conversion in their hearts.  A few things for us to ponder as we celebrate the Epiphany…

What gifts do we bring to the Lord?

Do we have special God-given talents to share?

When I reflect upon our parish family, I am very thankful to each of you for sharing your gifts with the Church.  Thank you for your kindness and generosity!  As the Christmas Season winds down, on behalf of our Priests, Religious Sisters and Staff, I am especially grateful to you for remembering us with cards, chocolate (a personal favorite!) and baked goods these past weeks.  I hope that you have enjoyed a blessed Christmas Season and that you have many reasons for hope as we enter into the New Year!

When you come before the Lord this week, please pray for me and for the Priests who serve our community… that we can be the servants that you and your loved ones need and deserve.  Know that we will pray for you, your loved ones and your intentions.  We may not see each other each day but may we meet each day in our prayers!

In Christ,

Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.