Dear Friends in Christ,

This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday as designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  The theme for Catechetical Sunday 2012 is ‘Catechists and Teachers as Agents of the New Evangelization’.  New Evangelization is a term used to describe how we as Catholics are called to receive the message of the Gospel, process it with understanding and love, and proclaim and live it as disciples.   New Evangelization is important for us as a parish community because our Faith Formation ministries, programs and opportunities seek to engage different ages in embracing our journey of faith.  Faith Formation is not just for children…. it is lifelong.  I am grateful to all who offer their time and talent in the ministry of Catechesis on our parish campus through their dedication in serving Faith Formation for Children and Youth, Youth Ministry, New Evangelization (Adult Faith Formation), the Child Care Center and Annunciation Catholic Academy.  May we be especially blessed as together we grow in our understanding of the Catholic faith, develop a deeper relationship personally and communally with Christ, and live as joyful witnesses!

Next weekend we will have the annual collection for our Sister Diocese in the Dominican Republic.  A witness talk and second collection will take place during the announcement time after Communion.  Thank you for your generosity!

Fr. Mark is settling into his temporary assignment at St. Paul Catholic Church in Leesburg.  He appreciates your prayers for him during this time of transition.  Fr. Tom Orr is visiting with us from Ireland for a few weeks.  He is happy to be visiting again and appreciates the warm welcome and hospitality extended to him.

Please know that your Priests and Religious Sisters remember you, your loved ones and your intentions in our prayers.  When you come before the Lord this week, thank you for whispering our names to the Almighty as well.

In Christ,

Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.