Dear Friends in Christ,

The month of May is often a hectic time as many of the activities of our parish are about to wind down for the summer.  The Easter Season is a busy time of year also because of the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil, the celebration of First Eucharist with our children, and the celebration of Confirmation and Full Communion into the Catholic Church this weekend.  I am very grateful to all of the selfless stewards of our parish who share their time and talent serving as Catechists, Sponsors, and support to our Faith Formation ministries.

This is also the time of year for graduations at all levels.  Many of our young people have recently graduated from college.  I hope that as you transition into a new phase of education or of your career that you are blessed with opportunities.  Given the recent economic times, I am sure that it is a challenge to find an appropriate job.  May you have the grace of patient endurance in your search.  I also would like to extend an invitation to you to attend a function of our Young Adults Ministry which meets on Monday evenings.

High School Graduations are also coming up quickly.  Tomorrow is the Baccalaureate Mass for Bishop Moore Catholic High School.  Later in the week and into the following week other local high schools will be honoring the Class of 2012 at graduations.  If you are attending college in the fall, please make sure to check out the Catholic Campus Ministry for your school.  Connecting with others through our Catholic faith is a wonderful way to transition into the university atmosphere.

On Tuesday at 8:30am in the Church, we will celebrate the Baccalaureate Mass for our 8th Graders of Annunciation Catholic Academy.  Graduation will be held on Friday, May 25th at 6pm.  Thank you to the parents of our 8th graders…. for your support of our parish school.  As the ACA Class of 2012 enters high school, I hope that you will seek to be involved in our Youth Ministry and continue your connection to Annunciation Catholic Church.

I know that this is a time of transition in many areas of our parish campus.  Thank you for your patience and support.  I always appreciate your prayers for myself and for the other Priests that serve our community.  Know that we will remember you, your loved ones and your intentions in our prayers.  We may not see each other each day but may we meet each day in our prayers!

In Christ,
Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.