Loving and Serving at the Lord’s Table
Cheryl and Bob Nettles have been serving as Sacristans for over 25 years, primarily at the 7am Mass, and are retiring from the ministry. Over their many years of volunteering, they have helped to train many other Sacristans.  Sacristans help to set up for our Masses and create a sacred space for all as we attend Mass or other Liturgical services. Thank you for your service and dedication to the Sacristan Ministry Cheryl and Bob!

We have many amazing parishioners serving in a variety of  liturgical ministries each weekend – Sacristans, Readers, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, AV Techs and Altar Servers.  If you have a desire to help in one of these areas, please contact Mary Ann Fox at mfox@annunciationorlando.org or 407-869-9472. Thank you!