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April Liturgical Calendar



Book: The Book of Saints and Heroes


Program: YDisciple: Modern Media
Book: The Young People’s Book of Saints


Movie: St. John Baptist de la Salle


Program: Catholicism, Session 7: Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven
Programa: Catolicismo, Sesión 7: El Verbo Hecho Carne, Verdadero Pan del Cielo
Program: Footprints of God: Jesus
Program: Lectio: Eucharist
Program: Lectio: Peter, Session 7: Discipleship at a Distance
Program: Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 6: The Paschal Mystery
Programa: Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe, Sesión 6: El Misterio Pascual
Program: Symbolon: Living the Faith, Session 2: The Eucharist
Programa: Symbolon: Viviendo la Fe, Sesión 2: La Eucaristía
Program: Symbolon: Living the Faith, Session 3: Walk through the Mass
Programa: Symbolon: Viviendo la Fe, Sesión 3: La Explicación de la Misa
Program: YDisciple: Sacraments, Session 3: Eucharist
Program: YDisciple: Sacraments, Session 4: The Mass
Movie: Mary of Nazareth
Movie: No Greater Love
Película: No Hay Amor Más Grande
Movie: Holy Week in Rome
Película: Semana Santa en Roma
Book: Sacraments in Scripture
Book: Awakening
Book: My Path to Heaven
Book: The Year and Our Children
Book: Faith Basics: Sacramentals and Signs
Audio: I’m Not Being Fed
Audio: The Body and Blood of Christ
Audio: Answering Common Objections: The Eucharist
Audio: The Lamb’s Supper
Audio: Cristo en el Credo, Pasión, Muerte, y Resurrección
Audio: Verdadera Adoración
Audio: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic
Audio: The Face of God
Audio: The Christmas and Easter Story
Audio: The Fourth Cup
Audio: Jesus the Bridegroom
Audio: My Beloved Son


Book: Christians Courageous


Program: YDisciple: Hot Topics, Session 2: Truth and Tolerance
Program: Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 6: The Paschal Mystery
Programa: Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe, Sesión 6: El Misterio Pascual
Program: Lectio: Peter, Session 7: Discipleship at a Distance
Program: Lectio: Peter, Session 10: “Quo Vadis?”
Program: Wild Goose, Session 4: The Spirit and Our Lady
Movie: Mary of Nazareth
Movie: Saint Peter
Película: San Pedro
Movie: No Greater Love
Película: No Hay Amor Más Grande
Movie: Holy Week in Rome
Película: Semana Santa en Roma
Book: The Kiss of Jesus
Book: Because God is Real
Book: Catholicism and Fundamentalism
Book: Read-Aloud Book of Bible Stories
Book: Awakening
Book: My Path to Heaven
Book: The Year and Our Children
Book: Meditations for Lent
Book: Mary in the Redemption
Book: Saint Helena and the True Cross
Audio: Cristo en el Credo, Pasión, Muerte, y Resurrección
Audio: Drawing Strength from Our Lady of Sorrows
Audio: This Changes Everything
Audio: The History of Salvation
Audio: The Christmas and Easter Story
Audio: The Fourth Cup
Audio: The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin
Audio: Glimpses Along the Way of the Cross


Program: Reborn
Programa: Renacer
Program: Footprints of God: Abraham
Program: Hearts Afire Parish-Based Programs: Wisdom & Works of Mercy
Program: Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 8: Why Do I Need the Church?
Programa: Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe, Sesión 8: ¿Por qué Necesito la Iglesia?
Program: Symbolon: Living the Faith, Session 1: The Sacraments
Programa: Symbolon: Viviendo la Fe, Sesión 1: Los Sacramentos
Program: YDisciple: The Church
Program: YDisciple: Confirmation
Program: YDisciple: Sacraments
Program: YDisciple: Sacraments, Session 2: Baptism
Program: The Wild Goose
Movie: Mary of Nazareth
Movie: Saint Peter
Película: San Pedro
Movie: No Greater Love
Película: No Hay Amor Más Grande
Movie: Holy Week in Rome
Película: Semana Santa en Roma
Movie: Convinced
Movie: A Grave Injustice
Movie: Silent Witness
Movie: Shroud of Turin
Movie: Shroud
Movie: This Side of Eden
Book: Sacraments in Scripture
Book: Awakening
Book: My Path to Heaven
Book: The Year and Our Children
Book: Meditations for Lent
Book: Mary in the Redemption
Audio: Cristo en el Credo, Pasión, Muerte, y Resurrección
Audio: An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith
Audio: Beyond Belief
Audio: Changed Forever
Audio: I’m Not Being Fed
Audio: The Christmas and Easter Story
Audio: The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin
Audio: Three Days that Changed the World
Audio: The Resurrection of Jesus Fact or Fiction
Audio: Glimpses Along the Way of the Cross
Audio: My Beloved Son


Program: Forgiven
Programa: Perdonado
Program: Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 4: The Story of Salvation
Programa: Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe,Sesión 4: La Historia de Salvación

Program: Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, Session 6: The Paschal Mystery
Programa: Symbolon: Conociendo la Fe, Sesión 6: El Misterio Pascual
Program: The Wild Goose, Segment 2: Breath of God
Program: The Wild Goose, Segment 4: The Spirit and Our Lady
Movie: Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
Movie: Mary of Nazareth
Movie: Saint Peter
Película: San Pedro
Movie: No Greater Love
Película: No Hay Amor Más Grande
Movie: Holy Week in Rome
Película: Semana Santa en Roma
Movie: This Side of Eden
Book: Because God is Real
Book: Catholicism and Fundamentalism
Book: Read-Aloud Book of Bible Stories
Book: Awakening
Book: My Path to Heaven
Book: The Year and Our Children
Book: God Sent His Son
Book: Mary in the Redemption
Audio: The Resurrection of Jesus Fact or Fiction
Audio: Cristo en el Credo, Pasión, Muerte, y Resurrección
Audio: The Christmas and Easter Story
Audio: The Passion of Christ in Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin
Audio: My Beloved Son
Audio: Three Days that Changed the World


Book: The Young People’s Book of Saints


Movie: Love is a Choice


Book: The Young People’s Book of Saints