Volunteer for F.U.N. Painting project with Habitat for Humanity

On both Saturday 1/31/15 and on Saturday 2/14/15 from 8am to 2pm Annunciation Habitat for Humanity ministry will be participating in a F.U.N. painting project painting the exteriors of 20 homes in Apopka.  Twenty-five volunteers are needed for each Saturday so if you can work either or both Saturdays please consider signing up.  No experience is necessary you only need to be sixteen years of age. F.U.N. stands for Fixing Up the Neighborhood and is part of Habitat for Humanity’s Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative. Lunch will be provided by the homeowners for all the volunteers.

Contact Marty O’Donnell at Martyod54@cfl.rr.com or call 321-277-7215 to sign up.