Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” Do you know the joy that comes from being completely available to God and the freedom that comes from being totally his? Have you ever enjoyed the true happiness that flows from belonging completely and totally to God – body, heart, spirit soul, and mind? Are you free from worrying about whether this person or that person likes you and free from the concern that comes from having to live up to the expectations of others? Are you free to be you or are you constantly worried about who everyone wants you to be? Have you experienced the true power that comes from knowing you do not have to worry about a thing because you know, believe and trust that God always provides, he has already provided, he will always provide what you need in every circumstance and situation? That is true freedom. Anxiety, fear, worry and constant concern paralyze us, makes us numb, imprisons us, keep us from moving forward. We find ourselves in a process of perpetual thought unable to see the beauty around us, unable to live in the current moment, unable to enjoy life because we cannot think about anything else other than what may happen, what could be, how we can change the outcome, how we can influence the final decision. Our very thoughts fill us with worry. Our anxiety grows because we are unable to control the situation. Our fear grows because of the unknown. Our concern escalates because we are worried about our image and reputation. Jesus says, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” When difficult situations arise in your life and you find yourselves helpless, overwhelmed and alone, Jesus invites you to turn to him, to pray, to trust, to let go. He encourages us to offer our prayers to God to increase our faith, to tell him what we need, to share how we feel. He invites us to say with total abandonment, “Jesus, I trust in you!” Let go and let God be God so that you may have the freedom without any anxiety to simply be you. My brothers and sisters, “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”