Dear Friends in Christ,

This weekend we are presenting the information about Our Catholic Appeal for the Diocese of Orlando.  This is an annual appeal that occurs in mid-February.  The funds that are raised provide for the advancement, mission and ministries of our Diocese.   Thank you in advance for your generosity.  You have always responded in a beautiful and generous manner in the past and I appreciate your continued support the 2019 Our Catholic Appeal. Please visit for more information about the Appeal.

I also would like to direct your attention to the statement (which can be found here) from the USCCB regarding recent legislation in a couple of states regarding abortion.  These developments are in total disregard for the dignity of the human person.  I ask that as a parish we recommit to join together in prayer and advocacy for the unborn.  We can be the voice for those who have a voice but their voice is not heard because no one is listening.  Please remember that every First Friday we celebrate Mass and a Holy Hour starting at 7pm with the intention for the greater respect and understanding of the Culture of Life.  Perhaps you will mark your calendar now for the First Friday in March? We also pray during this night for mercy and healing for men and women who have experienced the pain and sadness of abortion.

When you come before the Lord this week, please remember our Priests, Religious Sisters and Staff.  Know that we will remember you, your loved ones and your intentions.  I will pray that you receive moments of grace this week to Discover Beauty, Understand Truth and Inspire Goodness.  May we meet each day in our prayers.

In Christ,

Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.