Sharing With Neighbors

Mobile Market

Volunteers needed for our Mobile Market – December 7 from  9:30am to 12noon
We are partnering with Catholic Charities of Central Florida and Second Harvest Food Bank to host a Mobile Market for our local neighbors in need.  Please sign-up by clicking on the button below.

Advent Outreach – Bless Our Soles

This year, we are partnering with the Christian Sharing Center and our local schools for our Advent Outreach. Through the Bless our Soles program, we will be providing low-income children with a gift card to purchase new shoes for Christmas. The gift cards are supplied by a national retailer at a discount and each $20 donation covers the cost of one pair of shoes. The excitement of shopping for new shoes in the color, style and fit that reflects their personality is an experience many children haven’t had. Thank you for Sharing with our Neighbors this Christmas! Look for the Advent Outreach display in the Narthex on the weekend of December 1-2.

Food Outreach to Neighboring Schools

Each week we stock the food pantries of local schools and provide backpacks filled with food to bridge the gap between weekday meals provided at school and the hunger of weekends and holidays. You can get involved by supporting our food drives which supplies food items for this program or by volunteering to pack the backpacks on a bi-weekly basis.

If you would like to help us with packing backpacks and/or distributing them, please email