Dear Friends in Christ,

Our Holy Week begins today with Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  As we begin these Sacred Days, I would like to thank you for your participation in the various activities of Lent during these past weeks.  I hope that the spiritual guide, Sacred Reading, has helped you this Lent as you looked for the Sacred and Holy during the last 40 days.

The special days of Holy Week are considered to be our High Holy Days as Catholics and the various celebrations are deeply rooted in the traditions of our Catholic faith.  I invite you to participate in the liturgies of these Sacred days.  If you have never attended the celebrations of Holy Week, perhaps this is the year to attend either individually or as a family.  The Holy Week Schedule can be found here.

At our Easter Sunday Masses, we will be blessed with many visitors.  I thank you in advance for extending a warm Annunciation welcome and hospitality to those who may be here from other faith backgrounds, other places or who do not worship with us on a regular basis.  I appreciate your patience as we celebrate our Core Value to be a Welcoming Parish Community.

When you come before the Lord this week, please whisper my name (and the names of the Clergy and Religious Sisters of our parish) to the Almighty.  Pray that we are blessed with wisdom, strength and hope during these special days.  Know that we will pray for you, your loved ones and your intentions.  We may not see each other every day but may we meet each day in our prayers!

In Christ,

Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F.