32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the endurance of Christ.”  In times of crises, in moments of distress and even in disappointing situations, our faith can really be tested.  Frustration, impatience, isolation, doubt slowly creep into our daily lives and anxiety gives way to restlessness and restlessness gives way to discouragement.  Before you know it, we are lost. We stop praying, we stop believing.  However, it is our faith nourished through prayer that can raise us up in moments of darkness and despair. Faith can get us through any challenging situation. Do you believe this? Do you? I do. When I feel overwhelmed and the waves of doubt and fear pound and crash over me, hoping to drown and confuse me and cloud my judgment, rather than run from Jesus, I run to him. I believe with my whole heart he is the only one that can save me. He is the only one that truly understands me. He understands my hurt, my joy, my need. For our sake, Jesus remained vulnerable to the Father and vulnerable to all of humanity throughout his whole life. From the moment he understood the Father’s plan to the moment he fulfilled it on the Cross, Jesus remained faithful to the Father’s will. Even through his Death and Resurrection and in every Eucharistic Celebration, Jesus remains faithful to the Father’s will. In his birth and throughout his ministry, even when he was tempted, persecuted and mocked, Jesus remained obedient to the Father. In obedience, trust and mercy, Jesus showed us his love. He loved us in the beginning, throughout his life, in his death and in Heaven. Jesus still loves us today and for evermore. He remained totally abandoned, entrusted and committed to the Father, to his divine plan and holy will. Without worries, without reservation, without concern, without failing, Jesus trustingly and lovingly placed everything in the Father’s hands, including his self, his life, his spirit, his soul. Imagine being totally entrusted to the Father and his divine will. Imagine being protected, loved, cared for, rested without worries and at peace for all eternity. O my Lord, how many times I failed to turn towards you, to come to you in my time of need.  How many times, I thought I don’t need anyone, I don’t need you. How foolish to think I can do it all on my own.  Thank you for saving me. I love you and trust in you. May your peace remain in our hearts for ever. 


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