

painting EmmausThe Emmaus Men’s & Women’s Ministry is a global Catholic Adult Faith Formation program founded in 1978.  The goal of the Emmaus formation meetings is to unite separate teams of Emmaus brothers and sisters who share their story about the presence of God & Jesus in their lives with new brothers and sisters.  These teams plan and execute two Emmaus Retreats per year for both men and women at the San Pedro Center.

Men’s Emmaus Contact: Shawn Jiles, shawn_jiles@ml.com

Women’s Emmaus Contact: Maria Jiles at maria.jiles@gmail.com




Quotes from men that have attended the retreat and continue as Emmaus Brothers:

It seems that authentic male friendships are hard to make these days, because a man’s status etc is usually one criteria for friendship. This is human nature.  It is not about busy lives or being retired, or being young or old.  It has to do with finding common ground among men (and women, too) via a formal Catholic faith sharing program… like The Emmaus Ministry.

For 14 retreats and counting (2 per year) The Men’s Emmaus Ministry at Annunciation has fostered a deep and intimate bond among the brothers (and sisters) with Jesus as the core message found in the Scripture of Jesus on the “Road to Emmaus.”  This remarkable scripture is about the divine blindness of two followers of Jesus, who did not recognize Jesus until he broke bread with them.  Then there eyes were opened.

Therefore, the retreats are a turning point for many men as it forms an ongoing Emmaus fellowship which mirrors these two disciples who began to preach the good news that… “Jesus Christ is Risen!”

This ministry seeks to foster a deeply personal and intimate relationship with Jesus and thus among the brothers.

Come and see.

Tom Hackim


I have been involved with the Men’s Emmaus Ministry almost from the very beginning.  This ministry has taught me many things, and been there for me through good times and bad times. I have grown spiritually, personally, and as a leader thanks to this amazing ministry.  Aside from increasing my faith, learning how to pray, and growing closer to our Lord, the fellowship from this ministry has changed and enriched not only my life, but my family’s as well.  I consider Emmaus Family, not a ministry.

Shawn Jiles


“I knew pretty much nothing about the Emmaus Ministry before I attended a retreat. My prayer life was pretty much non-existent except for mass on Sunday.  Emmaus has helped me to become much closer to Christ, I have made some good friends and God has put people in my life who I would otherwise never have met.  Develop your prayer life. Start by attending an Emmaus Retreat.  You won’t regret it.”

Lionel Dore


Marty O’Donnell told me that Emmaus would be life-changing, but I didn’t believe it. And then I attended my first Retreat and in fact, my faith life opened up like never before. I love the support that Emmaus provides to my relationship with Jesus every day, and it is inspiring to be surrounded by like-minded Brothers who freely share their faith that “Jesus Christ is Risen!”

Justo Nunez


Like many, I was hesitant to say yes to the invitation to go on the men’s Emmaus retreat, but something inside of me said that I needed to go, so I did. It turned out to be different and so much more than I expected. Emmaus has been a seed for my faith, bringing me peace, joy, and love in my life that I never could have imagined. Come spend a grace filled weekend with the Lord…. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!”

Robert Dini (age 25)